You are Secured!

We securely store only characters of the finger image not your fingerprint.

I have fingerprint Scan Device.       I don't have fingerprint Scan Device.


Case Studies

  • Paperless Process System

    Banking system cooperates with Digent fingerprint solutions to replaces the traditional papers with the fingerprint for identity verification.

  • National ID Program

    Digent is designated as a preferred provider in fingerprint solution by mutiple governments for National Identification (NID) card verification system.

  • e-CITATION Program

    The citation issued by the police officer whose ID is verified with his/her fingerprint, to the violator whose background is checked with fingerprint. Driver opts to pay with credit card on site.


Biometrics Fingerprinter Solution Provider

Easy system integration using self-developed algorithm & sensor, Manufacturing own hardware to increase the competitiveness, Self-developed algorithm allows easy customization


Digent recently built the fingerprint biometrics systems, so called the Foreign Visitor's Fingerprint Verification System for the immigration office at the airport and border for the Ministry of Justice of Korea.

Project Examples

By building finger biometric central database, various access transactions in many government affairs & banks are possible.
With high technology of fingerprint verification system, Digent is extending its market to the Mideast
by participating in the bank teller's access security system and educational institutes for ID verification.

Tennessee police department invests in e-citation equipment

Electronic citation systems maximize officer efficiency, making roads safer and taking wanted suspects off the streets.

With municipal budgets falling across the country, many police departments are looking for cost effective methods to increase their resources as well as officer productivity. For cash-strapped towns that lack the funding to hire additional police officers, investing in a piece of law enforcement technology may present an appealing alternative. E-citation equipment, in particular, can increase the amount of time police officers spend on patrol and the funds flowing into a community.

The Leaf Chronicle reported that the town of Dover, Tennessee had invested in an e-citation system to facilitate the process of writing traffic tickets. The equipment, which includes two scanners and two printers, was purchased with a $15,000 grant and implementation is expected to begin by April. When a police officer issues a citation, he or she can use one of the scanners to read the back of the offender's driver's license. The person's information is then automatically inputted into the system which is connected to the city court system.

Local officials expect the new e-citation system to result in several benefits for both law enforcement members and the town as a whole. The reduced amount of time officers have to spend filling out paperwork at the police station allows them to spend more time on patrol, protecting the community. In addition, the automated nature of the system eliminates any errors that can result from officers' misreading license information or illegible handwriting. According to a study on citation trends, between 10 and 15 percent of all traffic citations are dismissed in court due to mistakes made by police officers when filling out the paperwork. By eliminating those errors, Dover police officers will be bringing that lost revenue back into the community.

News provided by Thinkstream

DIGENT Model: Flex7000
