Fingerprint Authentication
Fingerprint scanner
Free yourself from remembering password

What is Digent Fingerprint FD2000?

IZZIX FINGER ENGINE(Fingerprint Recognition Algorithm) follows the commonly accepted fingerprint identification scheme, which uses a set of specific fingerprint feature points(minutiae). However, it contains many powerful algorithmic solutions, which enhance the system performance and reliability. Some of them are listed below:

Image Quality Check Algorithm, Efficient Image Enhancement Algorithm, Fully Tolerant to Fingerprint Distortion and Rotation Matching Algorithm, Fingerprint Enroll Mode with Feature Collection, Database Classification and Pre-Sorting by Global Feature Vector, Suitable Algorithm to 1:1 and 1:N Mode.

IZZIX SDK has given great consideration to security and user privacy issues. Fingerprint templates are always returned in encrypted form from the recognition engine and user entries are stored encrypted in the database. Furthermore, user entries are stored cannot be matched against themselves. They are only decrypted by internal decryption scheme in Recognition Engine.

Why is Fingerprint?

Internally developed fingerprint authentication algorithm with fast & accurate authentication rate, Free yourself from remembering many different passwords, Reduce administrative cost – No more periodic change of password, More reliable way to secure confidential information.

Any Questions?

Thank you for your interest in DIGENT® Digital Intelligent Fingerprint Solution. If you have any question, DIGENT representative will contact you.

600 Jefferson Street, Suite 100, Rockville, MD 20852

How Digent Fingerprint works?

Identification System's permanency and unchangeableness are verified and this system is used generally due to the convenience. Like this system, 1:1 system that finds the most similar fingerprint from the huge database is a kind of identification system to verify the fingerprint after a user in the fingerprint database gives his/her ID. There can be the middle system between two systems (1:Few) that identifies without entering his/her ID. There are two procedures to identify fingerprint, first procedure is to select the templates from the fingerprint image and the second one is to compare the templates.

Fingerprint Scan Devices