Fingerprint Authentication
Bio USB Flash Memory
Portable data storage device with fingerprint

What is Bio USB Flash Memory?

Bio USB Flash Memory is a portable data storage device that password protects personal information. It is equipped with a fingerprint recognition system that does not require connection to a particular server. As the user is authorized based on fingerprint recognition, the data is protected from leakage even if the user loses the memory. The data also does not leave any information on the PC used for transferring data.

Why is Bio USB Flash Memory?

This product is especially useful for companies and organizations that used to prohibit portable memory devices due to security concerns. Its future applications are endless, for example, as an electronic wallet by linking with a smartphone or credit card. Digent is planning to apply this technology to a USB-type hardware security model (HSM) based on a smartcard as well.

Any Questions?

Thank you for your interest in DIGENT® Digital Intelligent Fingerprint Solution. If you have any question, DIGENT representative will contact you.

600 Jefferson Street, Suite 100, Rockville, MD 20852

How Bio USB Flash Memory works?

This memory device can be used at any computer without installing a driver or operating program. 'Bio Flash Memory' with high security by adding fingerprint authentication solution to existing USB memory can check and manage the information having only to match the fingerprint.

Bio Security Token

Built-In Fingerprint Authentication Module, 3 users to be enrolled (2 fingerprint per user), Copy/Delete/Search/Save functions of corporate or individual digital certificate

Application:Mobile banking transaction for smart phone users, e-Commerce, electronic payment, home shopping, Bank, Insurance, Security, Internet banking transaction